Jun 24Liked by Dami Roelse

Thank You! In 2 years or 3, depending on circumstances, I have promised my daughter we will go to Peru. I am presently 72 and she is 40, I have done several long distance walks such as the Camino in northern Spain, but I'm a bit apprehensive about the altitude in Peru. Do you have any advice for me? Janet

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Janet, thanks for reading my post! You can’t prepare your body for high altitude. Everyone reacts different. I t helps to be healthy and in good shape but it’s no guarantee. A 47-yr old marathon runner struggled way more than I at age 72 did at 17-18,000 feet altitude. That said, it helps to have plenty of time to acclimate, like a week (your body needs to make more red blood cells so it can use the little oxygen there is), rest and drink lots of water (to make red blood cells), take short walks. Ask your doctor for Diamox, a medication that helps reduce water in your brain. Try it at home before you leave to see if you have allergic reactions and/or side effects. I take a half dose at high, high altitude. Dealing with altitude gets harder as you get older, so go as soon as you can.

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Thank you so much for this advice! I will save it and send it to my daughter!

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I did some high-altitude hiking in Colorado and Washington state a few years ago. It took perseverance. And a lot of water. But worth it. Something about that expansive view from the heights one can reach. It's a bit of a metaphor. When you "succeed" to something "higher" -- whatever that may be -- the "views" can only inspire.

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Glad you got to experience the heights!

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The reward after the walk!!!

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